#TEAMBOOMTOWN! We need you! Now seeking volunteers for BoomFest 2015!
VOLUNTEER MEETING ROUND 1: 6pm Tuesday Feb 10 at The LogOn Cafe: Facebook Event
VOLUNTEER MEETING ROUND 2: 6pm Wednesday Feb 18 at The Beaumont Art League: Facebook Event
During the fest, we’ll need people to run projectors, work at the registration tables, give information to attendees, set up rooms for various events, and make the spaces look pretty. At the meetings, volunteers will learn more about the festivities and sign up for specific tasks throughout the fest on Feb 26-28. We’ll give you all the information you’ll need to answer questions during the festival and we’ll show you the ropes in advance so there’s no confusion.
It’s very important to be at either one or both of these meetings so all of our volunteers are confident and prepared for the festivities, making for less stress and more fun! The first meeting is especially important if you want to join the STREET TEAM so that we can give you posters and fliers to distribute and help get the word out ASAP.
Volunteering for the Boomtown Film & Music Festival grants you free admission to all the rest of the festivities and exclusive access to our free volunteer appreciation party after all is said and done!