Venue: Kampus Korner Bar & Grill
Address: 4637 Rolfe Christopher Dr, Beaumont, Texas 77705
Activities: Music Video Race
Times: 7-9pm
Tickets: FREE
Age Group: All Ages
Make your own music video using songs provided by artists from the 2016 BoomFest music lineup. The evening will include a contest Q&A, previews of upcoming films and bands, as well as live music by Good Grief!
Rules are similar to that of our annual 48 hour video race, except instead of two days to film and edit their short film, contestants get a full week to complete their music video, and instead of genres, teams draw from songs.
(And you can enter both! More about the preceding 48 Hr Race here )
During the festivities on Feb 5, teams are welcome to sign up, draw their CD from a hat, and use the time to concept with their team, or simply enjoy a drink among local film fans and learn more about the upcoming festival.
Contest Rules:
• Songs may be interpreted however the team sees fit, so long as the song is not edited in any way, even for length.
• Videos are not restricted to any time requirement, except for that of the song length.
• Teams will have one week to complete their entry, from concept to final edits, and will turn in their videos online.
• The top three videos will be showcased at the festival, but only one team will take home a trophy.
• No experience required: all you need is video equipment, editing program, and the creative desire to make an inspired music video for one of our 2014 Festival bands.
• There is no size limit or requirements for teams. Feel free to enter solo or with your entire high school senior class – so long as you don’t mind sharing one trophy among you.
• Participation in either video race does not grant contestants free entry to BoomFest in February. Sorry.
You don’t have to enter the contest to come and enjoy a preview of the festivities to come! The 9th annual Boomtown Film & Music Festival will take place on February 25-27!
The 2016 Boomtown Film and Music Festival is sponsored by the City of Beaumont and the Texas Commission on the Arts.
For inspiration checkout the last music video entries