Venue: Logon Cafe
Address: 3805 Calder Ave, Beaumont, TX 77706
Activities: 48 Hour Film Race
Times: 7-9pm
Tickets: FREE
Age Group: All Ages
Hey, filmmakers! Got what it takes to write, shoot and edit a short film in just two days? Will your team’s movie be better than all the rest?
This year’s annual 48 Hour Video Race is FREE to enter and kicks off on Friday, January 29th at the Logon Cafe. AT 7PM we’ll screen highlights for this year’s festival. Then at 8PM the 48 Hour Video Race begins. Participants are randomly assigned a genre and given two days to make their short film from scratch. All films made during the race will be screened one month later at the 2016 Boomtown Film & Music Festival (Feb. 25-27) and winners will be announced during the BoomFest awards ceremony. Click HERE for the full rules.
The 2016 Boomtown Film and Music Festival is sponsored by the City of Beaumont and the Texas Commission on the Arts.