Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipi. Suspendisse ultrices hendrerit a vitae vel a sodales. Ac lectus vel risus suscipit sit amet hendrerit a venenatis.
12, Some Streeet, 12550 New York, USA
(+44) 871.075.0336
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Meet the Team

In case you didn’t know, BoomFest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, run by a group of very dedicated film and music lovers. Our goals have primarily been to 1) put on an awesome film & music festival, 2) have fun, and 3) save our panic attacks until after the festival ends. So far, we’ve been lucky to retain some talented folks to do just that, despite the fact that we’re paid BoomFest swag and gray hairs.

This year, our planning team has changed quite a bit. Some people have left us for the big city (curse you, Houston!), we’re in the process of passing the reigns to some eager young whippersnappers, and a few of us have decided we like those gray hairs, thankyouverymuch and, yes, we do think they make us look more distinguished.

Over the next few days we’ll be introducing the newbies & oldies as we continue to ramp up planning for 2016’s event. Check back on this page to make sure you’ve met us all; it’ll stay updated with new posts as they happen.



  • Film Committee
  • Music Committee
  • Marketing Committee